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Acceptable Use Policy

The following shall apply to and govern your use of Hustle, Inc. (“Hustle”)’s Services (“Services”). The Services may not be used in any manner that: (i) is illegal; (ii) is non-compliant with accepted industry best practice guidelines, (iii) disrupts or damages any of Hustle’s computer systems or network or other parties’ computer systems and networks, or (iv) violates any person’s rights. If you do not agree to this Policy, do not use Hustle Services.

Hustle in its sole discretion shall determine whether there has been a violation of this Policy. Hustle may amend this Policy from time to time.

The following list provides examples of prohibited uses. The list is provided by way of example and should not be considered exhaustive.

Prohibited uses include use of the Hustle Services to:

  • Engage in any messaging in violation of any relevant laws or regulations (which may include and are not limited to, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and the Do Not Call provisions of the Telemarketing Sales Rule).
  • Engage in any messaging that is offensive, obscene, libelous, defamatory, fraudulent, abusive, or contains tortious material.
  • Engage in messaging that is unsuitable for minors.
  • Engage in messaging that promotes, incites, or instructs on criminal matters.
  • Engage in messaging that is false, misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive.
  • Engage in messaging that infringes upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of a third party.
  • Engage in messaging that is otherwise unlawful.

In addition, you will honor immediately any requests to opt-out or stop further messaging (e.g., any “STOP” messages) and desist from sending any further message following receipt of any such opt-out or stop request.

Violation of this Policy may result in termination or suspension of all services provided by Hustle and may also result in civil, criminal, or administrative liability or penalties against the client and those assisting the client.

Any failure to enforce this Policy does not amount to a waiver of Hustle’s rights.1

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about these Subscriber Terms and our privacy practices, contact us at:

Hustle, Inc.
595 Market St., Suite 920
San Francisco, California 94105

or [email protected].

1 NOTE: Last updated on August 06, 2018.

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